
Showing posts from July, 2023

10 questions for TTRPG designers

  Are you designing a tabletop roleplaying game? Or perhaps you'r elooking bakc on something you've worked on before. Here are some questions to ask yourself as a nudge towards refining your work or inspiring new ideas.    What are some examples of mechanics in tabletop roleplaying games that you appreciate, and why? How do you determine the appropriate balance between player agency and game structure in a tabletop roleplaying game? Can you describe a time when you had to make a design decision that affected player immersion in a tabletop roleplaying game? What did you do, and how did it impact the player experience? How do you handle the challenge of designing a game that encourages player creativity while also providing structure and guidance? Can you explain your approach to creating a setting for a tabletop roleplaying game? What are some factors you consider when designing the world and its lore? Have you ever had to make changes to a tabletop roleplaying game design

The Best TTRPGs for Fans of Historical Settings

   Tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) are a fantastic way to immerse oneself in a fictional world and experience adventures that would be impossible in real life. For fans of historical settings, TTRPGs offer the opportunity to explore different eras and cultures, and to engage with the past in a unique and exciting way. In this blog post, we'll be taking a look at some of the best TTRPGs for fans of historical settings, and answering some frequently asked questions about these games. 1. Call of Cthulhu - 1920s Call of Cthulhu is a horror-themed TTRPG set in the 1920s, based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Players take on the roles of investigators, delving into mysteries and uncovering ancient secrets while trying to avoid going insane. The game is known for its emphasis on investigation and atmosphere, and is a great choice for those interested in the early 20th century. 2. Pendragon - Arthurian Legend Pendragon is a TTRPG based on the legends of King Arthur and his knights. Pl

Creating a Compelling Backstory for Your RPG Character

    As a seasoned RPG player, you know that a well-crafted backstory can make all the difference in your gaming experience. By creating a backstory that is both realistic and meaningful, you can bring your character to life and immerse yourself in the game like never before. Here are some tips on how to create a compelling backstory for your RPG character: 1. Start with the Basics: Begin by considering your character's name, age, and physical characteristics. These details can help you visualize your character and start to build their persona. 2. Define Your Character’s Motivation: Your character’s motivation is a crucial aspect of their backstory. Consider what drives your character to adventure, and what their ultimate goals are. Think about their values, beliefs, and what they hope to achieve. 3. Develop their Personality: Your character’s personality is what sets them apart from other RPG characters. Consider their strengths, weaknesses, and how they interact with others. Are t

Dos and Don'ts of Player vs Player Combat in Tabletop RPGs

Player vs player (PVP) combat can be a divisive topic in tabletop RPGs. Some players enjoy the tension and drama of fighting against each other, while others feel uncomfortable with the idea of their characters turning on each other. If you're going to engage in PVP combat in a tabletop RPG game, there are some important dos and don'ts to keep in mind. Do: Establish Ground Rules Before engaging in PVP combat, make sure everyone at the table is on board with it. Talk it out beforehand and make sure everyone is comfortable with the idea of their characters potentially fighting each other. Establish clear rules for the combat, including what actions are allowed and how damage will be calculated. Make sure the rules are fair and consistent, and try to avoid any situations where one player has an unfair advantage over another. Don't: Force PVP Combat on Unwilling Players If anyone at the table is uncomfortable with the idea of PVP combat, don't force it. Remember, everyone s

How to Create a Memorable Villain for Your RPG Campaign

In a tabletop RPG campaign, the villain is often the driving force behind the plot. A memorable villain can make or break a campaign, as they provide the players with someone to hate, fear, and ultimately, defeat. Creating a memorable villain is no easy task, however. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a willingness to take risks. In this blog post, we will explore how to create a memorable villain for your RPG campaign.     Give the Villain a Motivation A good villain needs a motivation for their actions. They should not simply be evil for the sake of being evil. Instead, the villain should have a reason for their actions, whether it is revenge, power, or something else entirely. The motivation should be compelling enough to make the players understand why the villain is doing what they are doing.     Make the Villain a Real Threat A memorable villain should be a real threat to the players. They should be powerful, intelligent, and capable of causing serious harm.

The Pros and Cons of Using Digital Tools for Tabletop RPGs

   Tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) have been a popular form of entertainment for decades, bringing people together to create compelling stories and immersive experiences. In recent years, the rise of digital tools has made it easier than ever to play RPGs online, with virtual tabletops, character generators, and other digital tools offering new ways to enhance the gaming experience. While there are many benefits to using digital tools for tabletop RPGs, there are also some drawbacks to consider. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of using digital tools for tabletop RPGs. Pros of Using Digital Tools for Tabletop RPGs: 1. Accessibility: One of the biggest benefits of using digital tools for tabletop RPGs is accessibility. With virtual tabletops like Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds, players can join a game from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This makes it easier to connect with friends who live far away or to find new players to join y

The Best RPGs for Kids: Introducing Youngsters to the World of Tabletop Gaming

   Role-playing games, or RPGs, have been a popular pastime for decades. From classic tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons to modern video game adaptations, RPGs offer players a chance to immerse themselves in a rich fantasy world and take on the roles of their favorite characters. For parents looking to introduce their children to the world of tabletop gaming, RPGs can be a great way to encourage creativity, problem-solving, and social skills.   Introducing kids to tabletop gaming can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's important to approach it in the right way to ensure that they enjoy the experience. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when introducing kids to tabletop gaming:     Keep it simple When introducing kids to tabletop gaming, it's important to start with a game that's easy to learn and doesn't have too many rules. This will help them get a feel for the mechanics of the game without feeling overwhelmed. Games like Mouse Guard or Pokemon Tablet

Cosmic Ascension: A Psychedelic Adventure Game: part 1 – Characters.

  In the kaleidoscopic realm of this RPG, player characters transcend the limits of mundane existence and are defined not only by their physical and mental abilities but also by their connection to the cosmic forces that shape the universe. Cosmic Attributes In addition to the traditional ability scores, characters also possess Cosmic Attributes which reflect their connection to the universe. These attributes include: Entropy (ENT), Harmony (HAR), Chaos (CHA), Growth (GRO), and Decay (DEC). A character’s rank in each cosmic attribute is determined by a number between 3-18, and their score in these attributes can affect the rate at which they gain experience points. Archetype Each character belongs to a particular archetype, a manifestation of the cosmic forces that govern the universe. An archetype defines the character’s main abilities and can grant them access to unique spells and abilities. Cosmic Origin Characters may hail from various planes of existence or dimensions. Each origin

You Saw Things You Shouldn't Have Seen: Creating and Running a TTRPG Campaign Inspired by Sicario

  The critically acclaimed movie Sicario is a gripping thriller that tells the story of an FBI agent who is recruited by a government task force to aid in the escalating war against drugs at the border between the United States and Mexico. The movie is known for its intense action sequences, complex characters, and morally ambiguous themes. It's no surprise that this movie has inspired many people to create their own TTRPG campaigns based on its world and themes. In this article, we'll explore how to create and run a TTRPG campaign inspired by the movie Sicario. Step 1: Choose a System The first step in creating a TTRPG campaign inspired by Sicario is to choose a system. There are many TTRPG systems to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. For a campaign inspired by Sicario, we recommend using a system that emphasizes realism, tactical combat, and moral ambiguity. Two systems that fit this description are Delta Green and GURPS. Delta Green is a modern-day ho

The Impact of Tabletop RPGs on Pop Culture: From Stranger Things to Critical Role

   Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TTRPGs) have been around for decades, but in recent years they have seen a resurgence in popularity. From the hit Netflix series "Stranger Things" to the popular Twitch show "Critical Role," TTRPGs have become a fixture in pop culture. In this article, we'll explore the impact of TTRPGs on pop culture and why they have become so popular. First, let's define what a TTRPG is. A TTRPG is a type of roleplaying game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. The game is typically run by a Game Master (GM) who creates the world and helps guide the players through their adventures. The game is played using dice to determine the outcome of various actions and decisions made by the players. Each player typically has a character sheet that details their character's abilities, skills, and other attributes. TTRPGs have been around since the 1970s, with the release of games such as Dungeons & Dragons (D&

7 Historical TTRPGs to Check Out

  When it comes to tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), historical settings are a popular choice. From medieval Europe to ancient Rome, the possibilities for games set in real-world history are vast. While some TTRPGs with historical settings are well-known, there are many lesser-known games that offer unique and engaging experiences. In this article, we'll take a look at 7 TTRPGs with real-world historical settings that you may not have heard of.     Pendragon Pendragon is a TTRPG set in Arthurian Britain. Players take on the roles of knights, navigating the complex social and political structures of the time. The game's mechanics are designed to be realistic, with a focus on combat and chivalry. The setting is rich with historical detail, allowing players to explore the mythology, religion, and culture of the era. As standard, the game features magic, but you can ditch it for a more realistic take on the era. Bearing in mind, of course, that magic and mysticism are an import

The Best RPGs for Horror Fans: Getting Spooky at the Table

Are you a horror fan looking for a new way to explore your favorite genre? Look no further than horror RPGs! Role-playing games provide a unique and immersive experience that allows players to step into the shoes of their favorite horror characters, facing terrifying challenges and making life-or-death decisions in a collaborative narrative. But what makes a good horror RPG? A great horror RPG should have a well-crafted atmosphere that creates a sense of dread and unease, a compelling and engaging story that keeps players on the edge of their seats, and mechanics that reinforce the themes and tone of the horror genre. With that in mind, let's take a look at some of the best horror RPGs on the market:     Call of Cthulhu Based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu is a classic horror RPG that has been terrifying players for over 30 years. Set in the 1920s, players take on the roles of investigators who must uncover the dark secrets of the world and face the cosmic horrors

How to Run a Successful One-Shot RPG Session

    One-shot RPG sessions are a great way to introduce new players to tabletop RPGs, or to play a standalone adventure without committing to a long-term campaign. However, running a successful one-shot can be challenging, especially if you're used to running longer campaigns. In this post, we'll explore some tips and tricks for running a successful one-shot RPG session.     Set Expectations     Before the game starts, it's important to set expectations with the players. Let them know that this is a one-shot session and that the adventure will be self-contained. Make sure they understand the rules and mechanics of the game system you're using, and give them a general idea of what kind of adventure they can expect.     Keep It Simple     One-shots are not the time to introduce complex rules or intricate plotlines. Keep the adventure simple and straightforward, with clear goals and objectives that the players can understand. Avoid introducing too many NPCs or

The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game: A Journey Through Brazilian Folklore

Tabletop roleplaying games have the power to transport players to new and exciting worlds, where they can explore fantastic landscapes and engage in epic battles. The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game is one such game, taking players on a journey through the vibrant and colorful world of Brazilian folklore. The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game is based on the novels of Christopher Kastensmidt, which explore the adventures of Gerard van Oost and Oludara, a Dutchman and a Yoruba warrior who find themselves in the heart of 16th century Brazil. The game is designed to capture the feel of these novels, with a focus on exploration, discovery, and adventure. Players take on the roles of characters in the world of The Elephant & Macaw Banner, each with their own unique backstory, goals, and abilities. The game's mechanics allow for a wide range of character customization, allowing players to create characters that are tailored to their individual

Creating a Unique Character for Your Next RPG Campaign

  When it comes to tabletop RPGs, one of the most exciting parts of the game is creating your own unique character. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, building a memorable character can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this post, we'll explore some tips and tricks for creating a character that stands out in your next RPG campaign.     Start with a concept     Before you start rolling dice or choosing stats, it's important to have a clear idea of what kind of character you want to play. Think about their backstory, personality, and motivations. Are they a brave hero seeking justice, or a sly thief looking for their next big score? Starting with a concept can help you focus your character creation and make sure all of their traits and abilities align with their overall character.     Choose a unique race and class     While it's tempting to go with a classic race and class combination, like a human fighter or an elf wizard, consider choosing somet