The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game: A Journey Through Brazilian Folklore

The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game - Porcupine Publishing | EAMB  |

Tabletop roleplaying games have the power to transport players to new and exciting worlds, where they can explore fantastic landscapes and engage in epic battles. The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game is one such game, taking players on a journey through the vibrant and colorful world of Brazilian folklore.

The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game is based on the novels of Christopher Kastensmidt, which explore the adventures of Gerard van Oost and Oludara, a Dutchman and a Yoruba warrior who find themselves in the heart of 16th century Brazil. The game is designed to capture the feel of these novels, with a focus on exploration, discovery, and adventure.

Players take on the roles of characters in the world of The Elephant & Macaw Banner, each with their own unique backstory, goals, and abilities. The game's mechanics allow for a wide range of character customization, allowing players to create characters that are tailored to their individual play styles.

Much of EAMB adventuring involves travel through the lush and varied landscape of Brazil, in which players explore the world of The Elephant & Macaw Banner, encountering new cultures, landscapes, and creatures along the way. This is a time for character development and world-building, as players learn more about the rich and diverse world of Brazilian folklore.

Players engage in conflicts and challenges, whether physical or social, using the game's mechanics to determine the outcomes of their actions. This is a time for drama and tension, as the characters navigate the complex social dynamics of life in 16th century Brazil, as well as the ostile supernatural creatures found in this fantastical alt-history.

The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game places a strong emphasis on inclusivity and representation, with a diverse cast of characters and an emphasis on exploring the experiences of marginalized communities. The game's creators have taken a thoughtful and respectful approach to portraying Brazilian folklore, emphasizing the humanity and complexity of the characters and their experiences.

Overall, The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game offers players a chance to explore the rich and vibrant world of Brazilian folklore, through the lens of the novels of Christopher Kastensmidt. Its focus on exploration, discovery, and adventure makes it a valuable addition to the tabletop roleplaying game community, offering a new and exciting way to experience the rich and diverse cultures of Brazil. If you're looking for a game that offers a unique and engaging experience, The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game is definitely worth checking out.

You can download the Player's Guide PDF, which won an ENnie Award, for free, at:




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