Running a Game Based on The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin

Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness is a masterpiece of science fiction, exploring themes of gender, politics, and humanity on the frozen planet of Gethen. Running a game based on this rich and complex world can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both the Game Master (GM) and the players. Here’s how you can bring the magic of Gethen to your gaming table.

Setting the Stage: Understanding Gethen

The World

Gethen, also known as Winter, is a planet perpetually in the grip of an ice age. Its extreme climate shapes every aspect of its inhabitants' lives. As the GM, you should emphasize the harshness of the environment: freezing temperatures, treacherous ice, and the struggle for survival.

The Inhabitants

The people of Gethen are androgynous, becoming either male or female only during their mating period, known as kemmer. This unique aspect of Gethenian biology is central to the story and should play a significant role in your game. Consider how this impacts social structures, relationships, and personal identities.

Building Your Story


The Left Hand of Darkness delves into themes of duality, loyalty, and the nature of humanity. Think about how these themes can be woven into your narrative. What moral dilemmas will your players face? How will they navigate the complex political landscape?

Plot Ideas

Here are a few plot ideas to get you started:
Political Intrigue: Players are diplomats or spies navigating the tense political relationships between Gethen’s nations, Karhide and Orgoreyn.
Survival Journey: Inspired by the book’s iconic journey across the ice, players must traverse the frozen wilderness to deliver a crucial message or artifact.
Cultural Exchange: Players are off-worlders (like Genly Ai) trying to understand and integrate into Gethenian society, facing challenges and misunderstandings along the way.

Creating Characters

Player Characters

Encourage your players to create characters that reflect the unique aspects of Gethenian life. They could be natives of Karhide or Orgoreyn, each with their own customs and political affiliations, or they could be off-worlders experiencing Gethen for the first time.

Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

Develop a range of NPCs that highlight the diversity and complexity of Gethen’s societies. From the enigmatic Foretellers to the shrewd politicians, each NPC should add depth and intrigue to your story.

Setting the Tone


Use descriptions that convey the stark beauty and danger of Gethen. The howling wind, the biting cold, and the endless ice should be ever-present in your narrative.


Encourage deep roleplaying, especially when it comes to navigating Gethenian customs and the concept of kemmer. How do your players' characters react to a society so different from their own? How do they form connections in a world where gender is fluid?

Tools and Resources

Game System

Choose a game system that supports rich storytelling and character development. Systems like Fate, GURPS, or even a homebrew system specifically tailored to Gethen can work well.

Visual Aids

Maps of Gethen, illustrations of key locations, and portraits of important NPCs can help bring your game to life. Consider creating or finding artwork that captures the icy landscape and unique culture of Gethen.

Reference Material

Keep a copy of The Left Hand of Darkness handy for reference. Le Guin’s detailed descriptions and dialogues can provide inspiration and ensure your representation of Gethen remains true to the source material.

Starting Adventure Outline: Echoes of Winter

Player Characters (PCs)

Envoy Genly Ai: A diplomat from Terra, tasked with establishing relations with Gethen.
Therem Harth rem ir Estraven: A former prime minister of Karhide, now in exile.
Sov Thade: A Gethenian Foreteller with cryptic visions.
Kara Thule: A scientist from Orgoreyn, secretly aiding the resistance.
Roth Kem: A Karhidish warrior with a personal vendetta against Orgoreyn.

Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

King Argaven XV: Ruler of Karhide, suspicious of off-worlders.
Commensal Yegey: A high-ranking Orgota politician, scheming for power.
Harth: A trader offering crucial supplies and information.
Tibe: A propagandist in Karhide, stirring distrust.


Erhenrang: The capital city of Karhide, a hub of political intrigue.
Mishnory: The capital of Orgoreyn, known for its secretive and bureaucratic nature.
Gobrin Ice: A vast, treacherous glacier that must be traversed.
Thangering Fastness: A remote Foretelling enclave.
Sassinoth: A small Karhidish village, offering respite and hidden dangers.


Introduction in Erhenrang:

PCs are summoned to a meeting with King Argaven XV.
Tasked with investigating strange events on the border with Orgoreyn.
Hints of a larger conspiracy involving both nations.

Journey to Thangering Fastness:

PCs travel through the icy wilderness.
Encounter harsh weather and local wildlife.
Meet Sov Thade, who provides a cryptic prophecy.

Investigation in Sassinoth:

PCs arrive in the village and gather information.
Discover evidence of Orgota spies.
Face a moral dilemma: expose the spies or use them to gain leverage.
Crossing Gobrin Ice:
PCs must traverse the dangerous glacier.
Overcome natural hazards and personal conflicts.
Bond through shared hardship, with potential kemmer complications.

Infiltration in Mishnory:

PCs sneak into Orgoreyn's capital.
Uncover a plot to destabilize Karhide and seize power.
Gather critical intelligence and plan their escape.

Climax in Erhenrang:

PCs return to Karhide with evidence.
Confront King Argaven XV and political rivals.
Decide the fate of Gethen’s future, balancing diplomacy and conflict.


PCs’ actions determine the outcome of the political struggle.
Potential reconciliation or further division between Karhide and Orgoreyn.
Open-ended possibilities for future adventures based on the players' choices.


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