Shadows of Silence, a PbtA game

Shadows of Silence is a Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) tabletop role-playing game that draws inspiration from the atmospheric and mysterious elements of films like "The Quiet Girl," "Heavenly Creatures," "Picnic at Hanging Rock," "Wake in Fright". The game focuses on exploring the hidden depths of characters, the tension between conformity and rebellion, and the consequences of secrets and desires in a stifling and oppressive environment.


The game is set in a small, secluded town or institution where conformity and tradition are deeply ingrained. The location could be aboarding school, a religious community, a remote village, or a military outpost. This setting is characterized by strict social hierarchies, cultural taboos, and an undercurrent of suppressed emotions and desires. The town or institution is surrounded by a hauntingly beautiful yet foreboding landscape that adds to the sense of isolation and mystery.

Character Creation:

Players create characters who are part of this stifling environment. Each character has their own desires, secrets, and conflicts, which they must navigate throughout the game. The playbook options include:

The Outsider: A newcomer to the town or institution, struggling to fit in and find their place.

The Rebel: A character who challenges the established norms and seeks to disrupt the status quo.

The Quiet One: A character who observes and absorbs everything around them, holding their secrets close.

The Enigma: A mysterious character with a hidden agenda and an air of intrigue.

The Seeker: A character driven by a curiosity to uncover the truth behind the town's dark secrets.

The Authority Figure: A person in a position of power, torn between enforcing conformity and their own desires.


Shadows of Silence uses the core mechanics of the Powered by the Apocalypse system. When a player character faces a challenging situation, they roll 2d6 and add a relevant stat. On a 10+, they succeed fully, on a 7-9, they succeed with a complication, and on a 6-, they face a failure or a hard choice.

The game focuses on character-driven storytelling, with players exploring their characters' relationships, secrets, and conflicts. The GM (Game Master) presents a series of interconnected mysteries, each tied to the characters' personal stories and the wider secrets of the town or institution. The players collaborate to uncover clues, confront their desires and fears, and make choices that shape the narrative.


Shadows of Silence explores themes of suppressed desires, conformity, rebellion, isolation, and the consequences of uncovering hidden truths. The game delves into the psychological and emotional journeys of characters as they navigate the pressures of the environment and confront the darker aspects of themselves and the world around them.

Shadows of Silence offers a compelling and atmospheric tabletop role-playing experience, inspired by films known for their haunting beauty and exploration of hidden depths. It provides a framework for players to immerse themselves in a mysterious and oppressive setting, where they can unravel secrets, challenge the status quo, and navigate the complex web of relationships and desires.

In Shadows of Silence, the basic moves are designed to capture the atmosphere and themes of the game. Here are some examples of basic moves that players can use:

Uncover the Truth:

When you investigate a mystery, study an object, or research a hidden secret, roll+Sharp. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold to ask the GM questions about the mystery or gain valuable information.

Confront the Shadows:

When you directly challenge the oppressive forces of the town or institution, roll+Hard. On a 10+, you overcome the obstacle and create an opportunity for change. On a 7-9, you succeed but face a significant complication or backlash. On a 6-, the shadows push back, and you suffer consequences.

Navigate Intrigue:

When you manipulate, deceive, or charm someone in the town or institution, roll+Hot. On a 10+, they do what you want or reveal important information. On a 7-9, they can choose to comply, but they want something in return. On a 6-, they see through your ploy, and their trust diminishes.

Share Vulnerability:

When you open up to someone about your fears, desires, or secrets, roll+Cold. On a 10+, they offer comfort, support, or valuable insight. On a 7-9, they listen but also share something vulnerable about themselves. On a 6-, they react negatively, exploit your vulnerability, or spread your secret.

Challenge Authority:

When you defy or resist the oppressive rules and expectations of the town or institution, roll+Weird. On a 10+, you disrupt the status quo and gain an advantage. On a 7-9, you make a dent but face consequences. On a 6-, the authority figure retaliates, and the situation worsens.

Face Your Fears:

When you confront your deepest fears or traumas, roll+Guts. On a 10+, you find courage and gain insight or strength. On a 7-9, you manage to push through, but it costs you emotionally or physically. On a 6-, your fears overwhelm you, and you suffer setbacks or temporary madness.

These moves provide a framework for players to interact with the world, uncover secrets, challenge authority, and delve into their characters' personal journeys. The outcomes of these moves shape the narrative and drive the story forward, allowing players to explore the themes and atmosphere of Shadows of Silence.


Here are some special moves tailored to each character playbook in Shadows of Silence:

The Outsider:

Fresh Perspective:

When you approach a situation from an outsider's point of view, roll+Sharp. On a 10+, gain valuable insights or a new perspective that helps unravel a mystery or challenge the status quo. On a 7-9, you notice something important, but it comes with a complication or risk. On a 6-, you feel even more alienated and disconnected from the town or institution.

Seek Acceptance:

When you make a genuine effort to fit in or gain acceptance, roll+Hot. On a 10+, you find a place within the community and establish a valuable connection. On a 7-9, you gain some acceptance, but it comes with a sacrifice or compromise. On a 6-, you face rejection or become a target of suspicion.

The Rebel:

Stir up Trouble:

When you deliberately provoke or incite others to challenge the established norms, roll+Hot. On a 10+, chaos ensues, and the town or institution becomes more vulnerable to change. On a 7-9, you successfully rouse people, but it attracts unwanted attention or escalates tensions. On a 6-, your actions backfire, and you face dire consequences.

Rally the Dissenters:

When you inspire others to join your rebellion, roll+Charisma. On a 10+, you gather a group of like-minded individuals who are willing to challenge the status quo openly. On a 7-9, some individuals join you, but their loyalty or commitment is uncertain. On a 6-, your efforts attract the wrong kind of attention, and your rebellion becomes compromised.

The Quiet One:

Unseen Observer:

When you observe others without actively participating, roll+Cold. On a 10+, you gain crucial insights or information about their motivations or secrets. On a 7-9, you learn something important, but it also exposes you to risk or suspicion. On a 6-, you become too engrossed in observation and miss an opportunity or crucial detail.

Hidden Depths:

When you reveal a secret or vulnerability you've been holding, roll+Weird. On a 10+, your revelation strengthens a bond with someone or grants you an advantage. On a 7-9, your disclosure brings you closer to someone but also puts you at risk of exploitation. On a 6-, your secret becomes exposed in an unintended and harmful way.

The Enigma:

Manipulative Presence:

When you use your mysterious aura to manipulate or deceive someone, roll+Hot. On a 10+, they are completely taken in and do what you want. On a 7-9, they comply but ask for a significant favor or payment in return. On a 6-, your manipulation backfires, and you lose their trust or become the target of suspicion.

Web of Intrigue:

When you gather information or clues through your connections and network, roll+Sharp. On a 10+, you acquire valuable information or uncover a hidden secret. On a 7-9, you discover something important, but it comes with a complication or a debt to be repaid. On a 6-, your web of connections becomes compromised, and you face consequences.

The Seeker:

Dogged Pursuit:

When you relentlessly pursue the truth, roll+Guts. On a 10+, you uncover a significant clue or piece of information related to the town's dark secrets. On a 7-9, you make progress, but it leads to a dangerous situation or confrontation. On a 6-, your pursuit leads you into a trap or false information, putting you at a disadvantage.

Uncover Hidden Patterns:

When you connect seemingly unrelated events or clues to reveal a hidden truth, roll+Sharp. On a 10+, you reveal a major revelation that sheds light on the town's mysteries. On a 7-9, your insights expose a partial truth, but it comes with a complication or missing piece. On a 6-, your deductions lead you astray or into a dangerous misunderstanding.

The Authority Figure:

Balancing Act:

When you attempt to maintain order while pursuing your personal desires, roll+Cool. On a 10+, you successfully manage both aspects without raising suspicion. On a 7-9, you make progress, but it comes at a cost or requires a difficult compromise. On a 6-, your actions are exposed or conflict with your duties, and you face severe consequences.

Manipulate Power:

When you use your position of authority to influence or control others, roll+Weird. On a 10+, your power yields the desired result without significant consequences or backlash. On a 7-9, you achieve your goal, but it comes with a risk or unintended side effects. On a 6-, your manipulation is exposed, and you lose control over the situation.


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