Adding Mystery to your TTRPG with the Sphinx

The sphinx is one of D&D's most enigmatic and iconic monsters. With its lion's body and human head, this creature represents mystery, wisdom, and guardians that test the mettle of heroes. While often portrayed as formidable opponents, the sphinx offers unique opportunities when incorporated as an NPC in your campaigns.

Physical Attributes

A sphinx's powerful hybrid form (MM p. 280) makes it a threatening combatant. Its spellcasting also gives it options beyond brute force. But these traits are secondary to its greatest weapon - knowledge. 

Roleplaying the Sphinx

Focus on having the sphinx speak in riddles, poetically vague statements, and deliberate misdirections. It views direct answers as beneath it. Frustrate players' assumptions! The sphinx prizes intellect over brawn and may even offer alliances if respect is shown.

Guardian Duties

Sphinxes commonly safeguard treasures, temples or obscure lore. Craft puzzles, trials or questions to challenge PCs. Reward success but penalize force or foolishness. Make players strategize! They may gain allies or clues, not just loot.

Enigmatic Informant

A sphinx encountering travelers may offer cryptic prophecies or bargain valuable information...for a price of answered questions. Steer conversations to deep subjects like history, magic or philosophy. Grow characters' perspectives.

Adversary or Ally

Sphinxes defend domains but some covet odd items or crave new experiences. Challenge PCs to earn favor, avoiding needless killing. Run riddles to outwit, not to kill. Cooperation expands stories more than combat alone.

The sphinx shines in D&D not just as a threat, but as an enigma that makes players and characters think in new ways. With creativity, a sphinx encounter can imprint upon players long after stats are forgotten. Mystery is the true power of this guardian of secrets.


Adventure outline: "Riddles in the Ruins"

Adventure Hook

Players come across ancient ruins in the desert containing treasures long hidden. But the guardian sphinx Ammon will only let them pass if they can answer its riddles.

Location 1: Desert Ruins

Sphinx Ammon blocks the entrance, speaking in riddles to test the PCs' wits.
Answer 3 riddles to gain entry. 
Explore deserted temple chambers filled with puzzles/traps requiring lateral thinking.

Location 2: Tomb of King Terhut

Crumbling murals/objects hold clues to Ammon's backstory and intentions.
Riddle tablets pose challenges. Solve to unlock mysteries and earn rewards.

Location 3: Sanctum of Knowledge

Ammon resides here, imparting cryptic knowledge in exchange for answering its esoteric questions.
A hidden trove contains artifacts if players earn Ammon's respect.
Plot Twist: Ammon reveals it misleads to guard against unworthy looters. It seeks an heir to inherit guardianship and asks PCs to complete a quest.

Location 4: Abandoned Village

The ruined adobe buildings hold clues to Ammon's ancient quest - a sacred spring in the hills once provided fresh water to the village.
  • Murals depict the Purewater Spring, now shrouded in twisted vines and moss. The flow of its magical waters has weakened.
  • Among the rubble, a dusty tome is found describing dangers that once threatened the spring: a nest of giant scorpions in a nearby canyon and a poisonous wyvern roosting above the source.
  • To fully restore the spring, these monsters must be defeated so the land can heal. Tracking clues in the book leads players to each lair.
  • In a treacherous canyon, the scorpions have grown to massive size, their barbs now containing a lethal venom. Players must outmaneuver the colony.
  • Higher in the hills, the wyvern has doused the spring in its toxic breath for years. Avoiding its lethal stinger, players must find a way to drive it off without killing it.
  • Once both threats are ended, the waters begin to flow strongly again, magic reawakening the parched earth around the Purewater Spring. Ammon appears, pleased its guardian duties can now pass to more worthy successors.


Players gain Ammon's favor by restoring the spring. It rewards them and passes on its duty, leaving the ruins in friendly hands to usher in a new era.

Throughout, riddles, mysteries and conversations with Ammon drive character development and greater understanding of the sphinx's motivations beyond mere antagonism. Stealth, logic and cooperation prove most valuable against this guardian's tests.

The Riddles

Ammon's gleaming eyes regard you with curiosity and mirth. "Speak truly, strangers - what brings you to these hallowed halls?" It tilts its head, awaiting reply. Whatever answer you give, Ammon only chuckles. "Your words mean little until you've proven your worth. Answer me this riddle and you shall gain entry, but falter and find no passage here.

I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?

The sphinx smiles expectantly. The answer is: a candle. Once they provide the correct response, Ammon's features will soften in approval. "Well reasoned, travelers. You have shown wit enough to continue your journey here. Enter and see what mysteries these ruins may hold, if you can unravel more of my riddles along the way." The way will now open for the players to proceed deeper into the desert ruins and their adventure.

As you push open a heavy stone door, you find yourselves in a large chamber decorated with faded murals. A block of text in an unknown language is carved into the floor, along with a circle of hieroglyphs glowing with mystic light.

Ammon's voice echoes from nowhere and everywhere: "This room holds knowledge for those clever enough to claim it. But first, you must prove your wisdom with words. Read the pages etched below and unravel their meaning to unlock what lies beyond."

The carving reads: 

I'm heavy as a mountain, but can't be seen at all. What am I?

This riddle requires thinking outside the box. The obvious answers of a map or realm of ideas don't quite fit. To pass, players must determine the answer is: Duty

Only when they provide the right solution will the glowing hieroglyphs flare brightly, then fade to reveal a set of heavy tomes filled with arcane lore. Ammon's disembodied voice rumbles with approval - "Well reasoned. Knowledge and understanding are their own rewards. Seek more within these dusty covers, and all may benefit."


A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid. What is it? (An egg)

I'm always hungry and must be fed, the finger I touch will soon turn red. What am I? (A fire)

The man who made it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who uses it doesn't know he's using it. What is it? (A coffin)

I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for more than 5 minutes. What am I? (Your breath)

The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it? (Darkness)


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