
Showing posts from February, 2024

Adventure: The Crumbling Temple

Room 1: The Outer Courtyard The first room is an overgrown stone courtyard in front of a weathered temple built into the side of a rocky hill. A group of four petrified guardians stand watch at the entrance, their stone limbs heavy with moss and vines. Though trapped in stone, they spring to animated defense of any who enter this long-forgotten place. Room 2: The Sanctum of Prophecy Beyond the courtyard lies a large chamber containing walls etched with fading murals depicting past worship. An apparition in the form of Nerissa the Seer remains, willing to interpret fragments of an ancient prophecy scribed on a lectern if one can piece together clues in the ruins. Solving her riddle reveals a path past danger in the depths. Room 3: The Crumbling Passage A long, sloping corridor leads deeper into the hill, but sections of the ceiling have given way. Careful navigation is needed to avoid bringing further collapse upon oneself while crossing. Strange fungal growths have begun to emerge from

Adding Mystery to your TTRPG with the Sphinx

The sphinx is one of D&D's most enigmatic and iconic monsters. With its lion's body and human head, this creature represents mystery, wisdom, and guardians that test the mettle of heroes. While often portrayed as formidable opponents, the sphinx offers unique opportunities when incorporated as an NPC in your campaigns. Physical Attributes A sphinx's powerful hybrid form (MM p. 280) makes it a threatening combatant. Its spellcasting also gives it options beyond brute force. But these traits are secondary to its greatest weapon - knowledge.  Roleplaying the Sphinx Focus on having the sphinx speak in riddles, poetically vague statements, and deliberate misdirections. It views direct answers as beneath it. Frustrate players' assumptions! The sphinx prizes intellect over brawn and may even offer alliances if respect is shown. Guardian Duties Sphinxes commonly safeguard treasures, temples or obscure lore. Craft puzzles, trials or questions to challenge PCs. Reward success

Understanding Monsters

Between 1764 and 1767, a mysterious creature terrorized the former French province of Gevaudan, killing over 100 people, mostly women and children. Dubbed the "Beast of Gevaudan," it attacked by biting the throats of its victims. Given its tremendous strength and savagery, it seemed a true monster. However, when the beast was finally tracked down and killed in 1767, its remains revealed clues to what may have driven its murderous behavior. Analysis showed it was in fact a large gray wolf, far larger than average for the region. Some historians suggest it may have been a gray wolf-dog hybrid. What compelled this particular wolf to attack humans so viciously? Its size indicates it was likely an outcast from its pack. Without a place among other wolves, it would have struggled to hunt effectively to survive.  The growing human settlements in Gevaudan were shrinking the wolf's natural habitat as well. Desperate and alone, with less wild prey available, attacking people became

1d20 NPCs at the Gilded Cactus tavern

The Gilded Cactus was a raucous waystation on the edge of the frontier. Its wooden walls were worn but sturdy, standing witness to countless carousing patrons over the years. Within, the sounds of rowdy laughter, cheerful music, and clinking glasses filled the smoky air. At this bustling crossroads, all manner of folk mingled—hardened travelers and locals alike seeking diversion and pleasures of the flesh. Whether one wanted a strong drink, sizzling vittles, lively company or other indulgences, the Gilded Cactus offered it all under its welcoming but well-watched roof. For adventurers pushing into wild lands, or those seeking to leave their past behind, this was an oasis where fortunes were won and lost alongside any veneer of civility. Behind its swinging doors, one never knew what—or who—awaited them. Roll and meet the colorful cast of characters inhabiting this frontier fantasy tavern! 1. Scar, a grizzled dwarf bounty hunter drinking to forget past failures. 2. Calico, a tieflin

Running a Black Cauldron Inspired Adventure

The 1985 Disney film The Black Cauldron is a classic fantasy adventure that could provide great inspiration for a tabletop RPG campaign. While the movie received mixed reviews upon release, its dark tone and frightening villain make it a unique source material for players seeking something more mature than a typical Disney story.  The basic plot involves the Horned King, an evil ruler searching for the legendary Black Cauldron which can resurrect dead warriors to build an unstoppable army. Players could take on the roles of farm boy Taran and his companions as they work to stop the Horned King from gaining such a dangerous artifact. The dark fantasy setting of Prydain also offers exciting opportunities for exploration, puzzles, and encounters with unusual beasts. Some key elements GMs may want to incorporate include: - Mysterious magical items like the Cauldron itself that drive the main plot. Finding clues to its whereabouts could make for exciting quests. - Memorable villains like th