NPC of the Week: Boppity the Kobold Inkeeper

 Every adventuring party needs a home base, and for many groups passing through the realm, that home is the squeaky-clean Wyvern's Rest Inn. Running the inn is the diminutive but diligent Boppity, a kobold who may not look like much but has a heart of gold...and an eye for coin!

Stat Block

Boppity the Kobold Innkeeper

Small humanoid (kobold), lawful neutral

Armor Class 12

Hit Points 22 (5d6)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 12 (+1)

INT 10 (0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)

Skills: Perception +3, Insight +3

Senses: darkvision 60 ft.

Languages: Common, Draconic

Personality: Boppity is always cleaning, cooking, or counting coins - nothing makes him happier than a full roster of paying guests. He loves to chat and collect tidbits of gossip from travelers. Boppity has a soft spot for tiny cute animals and gets along well with kobolds and gnomes. While afraid of grand adventures, he encourages heroes and hopes to hear stories of derring-do. Beneath his anxious demeanor lies a stout heart - Boppity would defend his inn and guests fiercely if pressed.

History: Boppity inherited the inn from his mother, who ran it for many years before passing. Under his management, the Wyvern's Rest has become the most popular inn in the region. While some look down on kobolds, Boppity has earned respect through his kind and efficient hospitality.

Accommodations: The Wyvern's Rest offers cozy private rooms, a spacious common area near the fire, and a hearty complimentary breakfast. Fresh-baked pastries and piping hot tea are Boppity's specialty. He takes pride in crisp linens and keeps a spotless kitchen.

Regulars: The adventuring company known as the Sapphire Scales are frequent patrons. They dote on Boppity and look out for the inn's safety during travels. Other regulars include merchants, minor bureaucrats, and traveling musicians/comedians who entertain in the evenings.

Business Sense: Boppity haggles hard over supply costs and spots counterfeit coins with ease. The inn turns a hefty profit thanks to his shrewd management. Money is reinvested to expand and improve services for customers.

Rumors: Some say Boppity has a deeper dragon heritage or knows secret paths under the city. He refuses to confirm or deny such rumors with a wink and a smile. The kobold maintains an air of friendly mystery to keep guests engaged.


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