Player Tips: Creative Uses for Non-Combat Skills in RPG Combats

By now, most players are well-versed in the basics of melee and spell combat. But the best fighters know how to leverage more than just weapon proficiencies. For those seeking to take their combat prowess to the next level, consider exploring the following creative applications of non-combat skills:

Persuasion - Talk down foes with well-placed taunts and insults to gain surprise rounds or impose disadvantage. Question captives for tactical info. 

Deception - Feint weaknesses or friendliness to lower enemy guard. Plant false intelligence through surrendered foes. Trick monsters into attacking each other.

Performance - Distract or misdirect with songs, dances or poetic recitals. Stir allies with inspiring verses. Sway mobs through rhetoric and gestures.

Insight - Detect enemy intent, weaknesses or secret tactics by reading body language and micro-expressions under pressure. Anticipate ambushes.

Investigation - Examine tracks, terrain or disturbed foliage to foresee ambush points or cutting off retreats. Find traps, secret doors or escape routes.

Sleight of Hand - Sabotage weapons and armor with well-placed cuts or disruptive pouches. Conceal dangerous items on your person until the perfect moment.  

Survival - Set and camouflage improvised traps in the terrain. Forage for thrown irritants like caltrops or alchemist's fire. Navigate combat more effectively in exotic landscapes.

Particularly for brawlers, consider non-traditional weaponry like bolas, nets or poison-tipped projectiles to grapple foes with non-lethal damage. Think multi-dimensionally - your skills know no bounds in the heat of battle. Stay creative!


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