
Showing posts from October, 2023

Game Mastering Tips: 10 Ways to Foreshadow Upcoming Plot Points

Introduction As a Game Master (GM), one of the key elements in creating a captivating tabletop role-playing game (TRPG) experience is effective storytelling. Foreshadowing is a powerful narrative technique that can add depth, anticipation, and intrigue to your campaign. By hinting at upcoming plot points, you can engage your players and create a sense of wonder and excitement. In this blog post, we'll explore ten game mastering tips to help you master the art of foreshadowing in your TRPG sessions. Let's dive in! 1. Cryptic Prophecies and Dreams Introduce cryptic prophecies or enigmatic dreams that subtly reference future events. NPCs, ancient texts, or even the players' own characters can provide clues, sparking curiosity and setting the stage for the unfolding plot. 2. Mysterious Symbols and Markings Include mysterious symbols or markings in the game world that hold significance to upcoming plot points. These can be found on walls, objects, or even etched into the skin of

Behind the Scenes: Creating Memorable Factions in My Campaign

by A. Noone One of the keys to creating an immersive world for my TTRPG campaign is populating it with interesting factions that my players will remember long after our sessions end. As the GM, factions are a great tool for driving conflict, giving PCs allies to bond with and villains to battle against. Here's some insight into my process for crafting memorable factions that come to life at the gaming table. Defining Each Faction's Core Identity The first step is deciding on the core identity of each faction. I think about fundamental questions like: What are this faction's main goals? What values and beliefs drive them? Are they antagonistic or friendly toward the player characters? Answering these foundational questions ensures each faction has a unique personality right from the start. For example, in my current steampunk campaign, the players have encountered the Church of the Cog, a faith that worships technology and believes it's humanity's duty to replace fla

GM Advice: Setting Expectations with Players Through Session Zero

Running a roleplaying campaign requires buy-in and understanding between the GM and players. A Session Zero establishes shared goals before gameplay begins to set the group up for success. As a GM, use Session Zero to: - Discuss Theme & Tone: What genre/feel are you going for - horror, political intrigue, swashbuckling adventure?  - Convey Game Systems: Overview the core rules and mechanics so players know how challenges work.  - Review Character Creation: Provide direction on character types, backgrounds, and campaign hooks players can develop their PCs around. - Set a Playstyle: Describe if you emphasize roleplay, combat, puzzles, or social interactions. Brief on campaign cadence and session lengths. - Assess Experience Levels: Find out player familiarity so you can customize support and rulings to their skill levels.  - Address Content Warnings: Note any disturbing themes to avoid triggering topics for specific players. Set norms around graphic depictions. - Designate Convenient

Running Horror One-Shots

Trying your hand at running a horror one-shot is a fun way to switch things up from your usual fantasy campaign. Short standalone games let you flex your creative muscles exploring new genres and ideas without a long-term commitment. Here are some tips for crafting a scary one-shot your players won't soon forget: Set the Mood Establish creepy atmosphere from the outset. Dim lights, play unsettling ambient noise, provide props like fake blood or brain matter to set the scene. Encourage players to get into character. Build Tension  Drag out reveals and elongate the unknown. Let paranoia and dread build as clues accumulate. Trail subtle hints that ratchet up suspicion without resolving mysteries.  Keep Them Guessing Plant multiple potential threats or culprits to sow seeds of doubt. Misdirect suspicions to add confusion. Things may not be what they initially seem in horror.  Raise the Stakes Escalate danger and complications as the one-shot progresses. Throw in time constraints, dwind

Player Tips: Creative Uses for Non-Combat Skills in RPG Combats

By now, most players are well-versed in the basics of melee and spell combat. But the best fighters know how to leverage more than just weapon proficiencies. For those seeking to take their combat prowess to the next level, consider exploring the following creative applications of non-combat skills: Persuasion - Talk down foes with well-placed taunts and insults to gain surprise rounds or impose disadvantage. Question captives for tactical info.  Deception - Feint weaknesses or friendliness to lower enemy guard. Plant false intelligence through surrendered foes. Trick monsters into attacking each other. Performance - Distract or misdirect with songs, dances or poetic recitals. Stir allies with inspiring verses. Sway mobs through rhetoric and gestures. Insight - Detect enemy intent, weaknesses or secret tactics by reading body language and micro-expressions under pressure. Anticipate ambushes. Investigation - Examine tracks, terrain or disturbed foliage to foresee ambush points or cutti