New series: Craft RPG Characters Your Players Will Love (Part 1 of 5) - Allies


Welcome to the first installment of our five-part series: "Craft RPG Characters Your Players Will Love". In this series, we'll delve into the nuances of creating memorable and engaging characters for your role-playing games (RPGs). We start with one of the most important types of characters - Allies.

What Makes an Ally?

Allies are characters that aid your players in their quests and adventures. They can be mentors, guides, friends, or even family members of the player characters. Allies provide help, support, advice, and sometimes, they even join the player characters in their adventures.

Crafting Memorable Allies

 1. Rich Backstory

A rich backstory not only makes an ally more believable, but it also provides opportunities for interesting encounters and plot hooks. The backstory should tie into the larger world and narrative of your game. It could be a personal vendetta against the main villain, a debt that needs to be repaid, or a shared history with one of the player characters.

2. Distinctive Personality

Give your ally a distinctive personality to make them memorable. They should have their own quirks, habits, likes, and dislikes. Maybe they are gruff but have a heart of gold, or perhaps they are cheerful and optimistic despite the dire circumstances.

3. Useful Skills

Allies should have skills or knowledge that can help the player characters. They could be skilled warriors, knowledgeable scholars, or savvy thieves. Their skills should complement the player characters' abilities and help them overcome challenges.

 4. Dynamic Relationships

The relationship between the ally and the player characters should change and grow over time. Maybe the ally starts as a reluctant helper but grows to respect and care about the player characters. Or perhaps the ally's motives are suspect, leading to tension and conflict.

5. Impact on the Story

Finally, the ally should have a meaningful impact on the story. Whether they help the player characters defeat the villain, sacrifice themselves for the greater good, or betray the player characters at a critical moment, their actions should have lasting consequences.


Q: How many allies should I include in my RPG?

A: There's no hard and fast rule, but a good starting point is to have one major ally for every two player characters. This provides enough support without overshadowing the player characters.

Q: Can an ally become a villain?

A: Absolutely! An ally turning into a villain can create a powerful and emotional narrative twist. However, this should be handled carefully to not feel like a betrayal to the players.


Q: What if my players don't like the ally?

A: It's important to get feedback from your players. If they don't like an ally, try to understand why. Is it their personality, their role in the story, or something else? Use this feedback to adjust the character or introduce new allies that your players will enjoy.

Q: Can allies join the party permanently?

A: Yes, allies can become permanent members of the party. However, they should not outshine the player characters. Their role is to support, not to take the spotlight.

That's it for part 1 of our series. Stay tuned for part 2, where we'll explore the exciting world of crafting henchmen for your RPGs. Whether they're loyal servants or reluctant employees, henchmen add a whole new layer of complexity to your game.

Happy gaming!


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