Cosmic Ascension: A Psychedelic Adventure Game: part 1 – Characters.


In the kaleidoscopic realm of this RPG, player characters transcend the limits of mundane existence and are defined not only by their physical and mental abilities but also by their connection to the cosmic forces that shape the universe.

Cosmic Attributes

In addition to the traditional ability scores, characters also possess Cosmic Attributes which reflect their connection to the universe. These attributes include: Entropy (ENT), Harmony (HAR), Chaos (CHA), Growth (GRO), and Decay (DEC). A character’s rank in each cosmic attribute is determined by a number between 3-18, and their score in these attributes can affect the rate at which they gain experience points.


Each character belongs to a particular archetype, a manifestation of the cosmic forces that govern the universe. An archetype defines the character’s main abilities and can grant them access to unique spells and abilities.

Cosmic Origin

Characters may hail from various planes of existence or dimensions. Each origin imbues the character with unique abilities and characteristics.

Ascension Level

The character’s progress towards transcendence is denoted by their Ascension Level, which increases as they gain experience and insight into the nature of the universe. As a character ascends, they gain access to more powerful cosmic abilities and spells.

Cosmic Essence (CE)

The character’s advancement in the game is tracked by the accumulation of Cosmic Essence, a measure of their attunement to the cosmic forces. Cosmic Essence is awarded by the DM after a successful adventure, and can be used to unlock new cosmic abilities or to enhance existing ones.

Karmic Alignment

The character (and every other entity in the game world) is aligned with one of three Karmic Principles: Order, Neutrality, or Chaos. This alignment determines how certain magic influences the character and should be used by the player as a guideline for role-playing their character.

Cosmic Vitality

The character’s ability to resist the strains of existence. Cosmic Vitality is a measure of their resilience against the entropy of the universe and is equal to their maximum cosmic essence. When a character takes damage, their Cosmic Vitality is reduced. If this number reaches 0, the character is lost to the chaos of the universe.

Cosmic Mastery

The number of cosmic dice used to determine the character’s maximum Cosmic Vitality. The character’s Ascension Level determines the number of Cosmic Dice and their archetype determines the type of dice rolled (i.e. d4, d6, d8). (Some archetypes also grant a flat bonus to Cosmic Vitality at certain levels.)

Cosmic Aura (CA)

The character’s ability to channel the cosmic forces. Cosmic Aura is determined by the character’s attunement to the universe and their Cosmic Mastery. Higher Cosmic Aura scores are better, and can grant the character access to powerful cosmic abilities.

Cosmic Armour (CAr)

The character’s ability to avoid cosmic damage. Cosmic Armour is determined by the character’s attunement to the universe and their Cosmic Essence. Lower Cosmic Armour scores are better, so bonuses increase the character’s Cosmic Armour and penalties decrease it.

Cosmic Abilities

Finally, the character’s archetype grants them access to a set of special cosmic abilities that the character may use, including the ability to manipulate the elements of the universe, commune with cosmic entities, and access the Void itself.


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