Safety First: A Guide to TTRPG Safety Tools

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Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) can be a fun and rewarding experience, but they can also involve sensitive and potentially triggering content. As such, it's important to have safety tools in place to ensure that everyone at the table feels comfortable and respected. Here are some of the most common safety tools used in TTRPGs.

  1. The X-Card

The X-Card is a simple but effective safety tool that allows players to signal discomfort or trigger warnings during the game. If a player is uncomfortable with something that is happening in the game, they can simply make an "X" gesture or use an actual X-Card to signal to the group that they want to pause or skip past the content. This can help to prevent triggering content and make everyone feel more comfortable during the game.

  1. Lines and Veils

Lines and veils are another safety tool that can be used to establish boundaries and avoid triggering content. Lines are topics or themes that are completely off-limits and should not be included in the game at all. Veils are topics or themes that can be included in the game, but only in a limited or abstract way. By establishing lines and veils at the beginning of the game, everyone can feel more comfortable and safe during play.

  1. The Script Change Tool

The Script Change Tool is a safety tool that allows players to pause, rewind, or fast-forward through scenes in the game. This tool can be used to skip past triggering content or to revisit a scene that was uncomfortable or unsatisfying. By giving players more control over the narrative, the Script Change Tool can help to create a more collaborative and respectful gaming experience.

  1. The Consent Checklist

The Consent Checklist is a tool that can be used to establish boundaries and preferences before the game starts. The checklist asks players to rate their comfort level with various topics or scenarios, such as violence, sexual content, or horror. By establishing consent and boundaries at the beginning of the game, everyone can feel more comfortable and respected during play.

  1. The Open Door Policy

The Open Door Policy is a safety tool that allows players to leave the game at any time, for any reason, without penalty or judgment. This can be especially helpful for players who may feel uncomfortable or triggered during the game. By establishing an open door policy, players can feel more comfortable and safe knowing that they can leave the game at any time.

  1. Trigger Warnings

Trigger warnings are a safety tool that can be used to alert players to potentially triggering content before it is introduced into the game. This allows players to mentally prepare themselves or opt-out of the scene if necessary. Trigger warnings can be especially important for content related to violence, sexual assault, or other sensitive topics.

  1. Debriefs

Debriefs are a safety tool that can be used to discuss the game after it is over. This allows players to share their thoughts and feelings about the game and to process any emotions that may have arisen during play. Debriefs can be especially important after a game that includes sensitive or triggering content.

  1. Check-Ins

Check-ins are a safety tool that can be used to ensure that everyone at the table is comfortable and engaged during the game. This can involve asking each player how they are feeling or if they need a break. By checking in with players regularly, the game master can ensure that everyone is comfortable and that the game is proceeding smoothly.

Overall, TTRPG safety tools are an important part of creating a safe and respectful gaming experience. By using tools like the Open Door Policy, Trigger Warnings, Debriefs, and Check-Ins, players can establish boundaries, avoid triggering content, and ensure that everyone at the table feels comfortable and respected. These tools can help to create a more collaborative and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone involved.



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