
Showing posts from February, 2023

Safety First: A Guide to TTRPG Safety Tools

  Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) can be a fun and rewarding experience, but they can also involve sensitive and potentially triggering content. As such, it's important to have safety tools in place to ensure that everyone at the table feels comfortable and respected. Here are some of the most common safety tools used in TTRPGs. The X-Card The X-Card is a simple but effective safety tool that allows players to signal discomfort or trigger warnings during the game. If a player is uncomfortable with something that is happening in the game, they can simply make an "X" gesture or use an actual X-Card to signal to the group that they want to pause or skip past the content. This can help to prevent triggering content and make everyone feel more comfortable during the game. Lines and Veils Lines and veils are another safety tool that can be used to establish boundaries and avoid triggering content. Lines are topics or themes that are completely off-limits an

Twilight 2000 - A Post-Apocalyptic Classic

  The Twilight 2000 roleplaying game is a classic in the post-apocalyptic genre. Originally released in 1984, it has been updated and revised over the years, but still remains a favorite among fans of the genre. The game is set in a world devastated by a nuclear war that has left society in ruins. Players take on the roles of survivors, struggling to survive in a harsh and unforgiving landscape. They must scavenge for food, water, and supplies, and avoid the dangers of raiders, mutants, and other hazards. The game mechanics are simple and intuitive, using a D100 system to determine success or failure. Players roll the dice and add their relevant skill or attribute score to determine the outcome of their actions. Combat is similarly straightforward, with players rolling for initiative and then taking turns attacking and defending. But what really sets Twilight 2000 apart is its emphasis on realism and survival. The game includes detailed rules for scavenging, repairing e

Mastering the Game: Top 5 Tips for New TTRPG Game Masters

As a new tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) game master, the task of running a game can be daunting. You have to balance storytelling, improvisation, and game mechanics, all while keeping your players engaged and entertained. But fear not! Here are the top 5 tips for new TTRPG game masters to help you master the game. Preparation is Key Before you start the game, make sure you have everything you need to run it smoothly. This includes reading the rules thoroughly, creating a setting and story, and preparing any necessary materials such as maps or character sheets. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to keep the game flowing smoothly. Flexibility is Essential While preparation is important, it's also important to be flexible. Players will often surprise you with their choices and actions, so be ready to adapt to their decisions and adjust the story as needed. Improvisation is a key skill for any game master, so don't be afraid to go off-script if it