
Showing posts from January, 2024

GM Tips: Engaging Your Players' Backstories

One of the most important things you can do as a GM is to engage with and incorporate your players' character backstories into your campaign. Taking the time to learn about where the characters came from, their motivations, relationships, and secrets can really help bring them to life at the table. It also gives the players a sense that their creative contributions matter in helping shape the shared story you'll all tell together. Here are some tips for putting player backstories front and center in your game. Ask questions. When making characters, have your players fill out a detailed backstory form or questionnaire. Ask about their character's family, where they're from, any defining experiences or traumas in their past. Find out if they have any ongoing goals, vendettas, or mysterious connections that could come into play. Let them know you'll be looking for ways to weave these elements into the adventure somehow. Drop hints and clues. Scan the players' backs

Battle Map: Moonlight Citadel

 An isometric battlemap for your D&D or other fantasy RPG. 

NPC of the Week: Boppity the Kobold Inkeeper

 Every adventuring party needs a home base, and for many groups passing through the realm, that home is the squeaky-clean Wyvern's Rest Inn. Running the inn is the diminutive but diligent Boppity, a kobold who may not look like much but has a heart of gold...and an eye for coin! Stat Block Boppity the Kobold Innkeeper Small humanoid (kobold), lawful neutral Armor Class 12 Hit Points 22 (5d6) Speed 30 ft. STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1) Skills: Perception +3, Insight +3 Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Languages: Common, Draconic Personality: Boppity is always cleaning, cooking, or counting coins - nothing makes him happier than a full roster of paying guests. He loves to chat and collect tidbits of gossip from travelers. Boppity has a soft spot for tiny cute animals and gets along well with kobolds and gnomes. While afraid of grand adventures, he encourages heroes and hopes to hear stories of derring-do. Beneath his anxious demeanor lies a stout heart