
Showing posts from November, 2023

Adventure Design on Ice: How to Run a Game Based on "Shout at the Devil"

  The 1976 film "Shout at the Devil" starring Lee Marvin and Roger Moore tells a thrilling tale of adventure, danger and intrigue set amidst the icy landscapes of East Africa. Its cinematic depictions of daring escapes, secret missions and high-stakes confrontation make it ripe source material for an exciting tabletop RPG scenario. Here are some tips and considerations for translating the movie's themes and plot beats into a one-shot or short campaign. Building blocks Players take on the roles of mission agents from different colonial powers (British, German, Belgian etc) who are forced to reluctantly cooperate. Their mission involves infiltrating a remote area to investigate suspicious activity at a mining/logging camp. Things quickly go awry. The true masters pulling strings behind the scenes are members of a shadowy revolutionary group fomenting revolt. Gaining their trust requires risky gambits. Chases through the bush on foot, motorcycles or improvised vehicles add d

Holiday RPG Fun: One-Shot Adventures for Festive Gaming

  'Tis the season for holiday cheer...and tabletop roleplaying! Whether you're hosting a marathon gaming session or looking for a lighthearted one-off, these festive one-shot adventures promise a jolly good time. The Twelve Days of Dwarvish Santa needs 12 volunteers to deliver presents and spread Yuletide joy. But his sleigh has broken down, leaving you all stranded at the North Pole workshop! Can you craft a new sled and save Christmas before it's too late? Keep an eye out for Santa's "helper" - he's been drinking the eggnog again... Players take on roles as Santa's volunteer helpers as they scavenge the workshop for supplies to build a new sled. Skill challenges include woodcarving, reindeer wrangling, toy making. Krampus has gotten loose in the workshop. Can the players return him to the "naughty cell" before he wrecks everything? On the 12th day, it's a race against the clock to test the new sled and deliver all the presents before mi

Getting Started: A Beginner's Guide to Tabletop Roleplaying Games

  You may have heard friends chatting excitedly about their latest Dungeons & Dragons adventure or seen a popular streamer running an engaging roleplaying campaign. If you've ever been curious about tabletop roleplaying games but aren't sure where to start, you're in the right place. This guide will introduce you to the world of TRPGs and provide everything you need to give them a try. What is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game? TRPGs are games where players take on the role of imaginary characters that they conceive and bring to life through storytelling with a game master (GM) and other players. Rather than competing directly against each other, players cooperate to complete scenarios within a fictional setting - like exploring magical dungeons together or building alliances in a medieval kingdom. Popular Systems The giant of the industry is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), which tasks players to work as a team of adventurers. Other notable systems include Pathfinder (simil

The best TTRPG podcasts, blogs, and communities to follow

  Are you a fan of tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) and looking for some inspiration, tips, or entertainment? Whether you are a seasoned player, a newbie, or a curious observer, there are plenty of online resources to help you enjoy this hobby. In this blog post, I will share with you some of the best TTRPG podcasts, blogs, and communities to follow. These are my personal favorites, but feel free to explore and discover your own! Podcasts Podcasts are a great way to listen to actual play sessions, learn from experienced game masters, or get immersed in the stories and characters of different TTRPG systems. Here are some of the podcasts I recommend: - Critical Role: This is probably the most popular and well-known TTRPG podcast out there. It features a group of voice actors playing Dungeons & Dragons, with amazing role-playing, humor, and drama. The podcast is based on their live-streamed show on Twitch and YouTube, which you can also watch if you prefer. - The Adventure Zone: T

Advice: Handling Intra-Party Conflicts Without Hurting Feelings

 Advice: Handling Intra-Party Conflicts Without Hurting Feelings No D&D party stays united and drama-free forever. As characters with different backgrounds and goals band together, conflicts are inevitable. However, inter-party disagreements can seriously dampen the fun if not handled properly. The key is resolving tensions without hurting real-life relationships or damaging trust between players. Communication is crucial. If a player feels their character was unfairly treated, both parties should calmly discuss the issue away from the game table. Make it clear you're seeking understanding, not assigning blame. Reframe overly emotional language and reiterate mutual respect. Agree how similar conflicts could be roleplayed differently going forward.  Creating diverse characters also prevents some clashes. Discussing motivations beforehand helps foresee potential tensions over beliefs, methods or goals. Compromising during character creation stage, such as finding shared values, c

Campaign Recap: The Rise and Fall of My Players' Crime Syndicate!

Campaign Recap: The Rise and Fall of My Players' Crime Syndicate As the DM of my group's weekly D&D campaign, I've seen my players get up to all sorts of antics over the past year. But their latest exploits really took things to a new level - they went from humble adventurers to the rulers of an underground criminal empire!  It all started when the party found themselves in the coastal city of Waterdeep after a successful dungeon delve. Needing funds for their next quest, they hatched a plan to start smuggling contraband into the city. With some persuasion rolls and deception checks, they recruited local thieves and smugglers to expand their operation. Before long, they had their hands in all sorts of illegal rackets around Waterdeep - protection money, underground fighting rings, fencing stolen goods. Roleplaying corrupt city officials and seedy criminals was a blast. I'm sure the other patrons at the tavern thought we were plotting real crimes! Their criminal synd

System Discussion: Adapting Masks: A New Generation for Fantasy RPGs

Introduction Tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) offer a vast array of systems and mechanics, each catering to different genres and playstyles. However, sometimes it can be exciting to explore how a system designed for one genre can be adapted to another. In this system discussion, we'll delve into the possibilities of adapting "Masks: A New Generation," a popular superhero-themed TTRPG, for fantasy settings. Join us as we explore how the mechanics and themes of "Masks" can be repurposed to create an engaging and unique fantasy role-playing experience. Let's begin! 1. Shifting Themes and Powers "Masks: A New Generation" is known for its focus on teenage superheroes struggling with identity and self-discovery. To adapt the system for fantasy, consider shifting the themes to encompass coming-of-age stories or young adventurers discovering their place in a fantastical world. Modify the playbook powers to align with fantasy tropes, such as spellcastin