
Showing posts from September, 2023

Game Mastering Tool: 10 Magic Items to Enhance Exploration

One of the most engaging parts of any roleplaying campaign is exploring unknown territories and discovering new places. As Game Masters, we want to encourage our players to embark on exploratory missions and delve into uncharted areas. One fun way to do this is by sprinkling cool magical items throughout the world that can aid players in their explorations. Here are 10 magic items, along with their properties, that are sure to get your adventurers excited to venture forth: 1. Mapmaker's Quill - This enchanted quill can record any terrain or location onto an empty parchment as the user explores. It acts as a perfect portable mapping tool. 2. Goggles of the Eagle - When worn, these goggles grant the wearer a hawk-like vision that allows them to spot details and objects from great distances.  3. Compass of True North - This sturdy compass always points towards the user's home city or civilization, guiding lost travelers back to familiar lands.  4. Dust of Footprints - A pouch of m

Ten Tips for Starting an Online RPG Campaign

   Running an online RPG campaign presents unique challenges compared to a traditional in-person game. Here are ten tips to help you launch a successful online RPG: Choose a Virtual Tabletop (VTT) - Familiarize yourself with platforms like Roll20, Foundry, or Astral and use their tools to your advantage. Make sure players know how to use basic features. The first step is selecting the virtual tabletop (VTT) platform you will use to run your online game. The most popular options are: - Roll20: Very full-featured and good for beginners. Integrates well with major systems. Free to use basic tools. - Foundry VTT: Powerful and highly customizable. Requires one-time purchase of "self-hosted" license. Steeper learning curve. - Astral: Focuses on synchronous video/audio. Best for more social games over combat-heavy ones. Free trial available. Evaluate each platform's features, learning curve, and price model to determine the best fit for your game. Consider: - Mapping/Fog o

Player Tips - Three Ways to Develop a Memorable RPG Character Backstory

Creating a compelling backstory for your roleplaying game (RPG) character is key to bringing them to life and allowing you to fully immerse yourself in their story. However, coming up with original, engaging backstories can be challenging. Here are three tips to help you develop a memorable character backstory:   1.  Add weaknesses or flaws.  Don't make your character too perfect - give them weaknesses, insecurities, personal demons or character flaws that will add depth and drive character development. Perhaps they struggle with addiction, carry childhood trauma, or have strained relationships. Flaws provide opportunities for growth and roleplay scenarios where your character must face inner struggles. 2. Connect to NPCs.  Populating your backstory with non-player characters (NPCs) like friends, enemies, mentors or family members adds layers of context to your character's history. Think about how these NPCs influence your character - what debt do they owe a mother who raised t

Craft RPG Characters Your Players Will Love (part 5 of 5) - Patrons

  No adventuring party operates in a vacuum. Developing influential patron characters fills your setting with powerful factions vying for the party's allegiance. Competing patrons offer players rich roleplaying opportunities: Mysterious Benefactors Leave a patron's true motives or hidden agendas veiled at first. Intrigue grows as players uncover secrets financing jobs their patron proposes. Competing Power Groups Rival guilds, nobility houses, or magical cabals enlist the party, conflicts inevitable. Whom the players ultimately tie their fortunes to impacts your world. Desperate Underdogs More altruistic patrons seek aid against seemingly insurmountable threats. Moral dilemmas arise if these patrons' methods become questionable. Eccentric Visionaries Patrons ahead of their time drive new discoveries through adventures. Playing "research assistants" exploring their unusual hypotheses fuels whimsy. Shady Criminal Kingpins Dangerous jobs for unsavory patrons offer we

Game Mastering Tips - Using Environmental Details to Enhance Immersion

  As a game master, one of the most important things we can do is help transport players into the world and story we've created. Beyond describing NPCs and moving the plot forward, we need to give vivid sensory details that make the setting feel fully realized. Subtle environmental details can make a big difference in enhancing player immersion. Consider things like the weather, temperature, and smells in the air. Is it a crisp autumn day with a light breeze? A sweltering summer afternoon? Does the tavern smell of spilled ale and roasted meat, or is there an unpleasant odor wafting through the streets? Painting a picture with vivid sensory language can subconsciously pull players deeper into the scene. Include unique architectural or cultural features wherever the story takes place. For a city, describe distinctive buildings, artwork, or street signs in colorful language. In natural areas, mention plant life, rock formations, or animal tracks that give clues to the region's eco