
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Power and Chaos of AKIRA

The classic cyberpunk anime film AKIRA is a rich source of inspiration for a thrilling tabletop RPG campaign. Filled with psychic powers, futuristic motorcycles, gang violence and government conspiracies, AKIRA’s Neo-Tokyo setting comes to life at your gaming table. Some starting points:  •Ambition and desire driving characters to extremes. Include plot points where players must decide if reaching their goals is worth the cost. • Start small, with players just discovering their powers or on the fringes of the government project, then scale up as Akira's awakening causes ripples. •Relationships between characters shifting as they gain or lose abilities. Explore how powers impact friendships, loyalty and identity. • Neo-Tokyo as a gritty urban sandbox. Players can explore the city, interact with factions, and encounter side plots that feed into the main campaign. • Government conspiracies and cloak-and-dagger missions. Pave the way for reveals about the true purpose of the

Isle of Man TT Races: Fuel for a Thrilling Tabletop RPG Campaign

  The famous Isle of Man Tourist Trophy (TT) motorcycle races have been thrilling spectators with daredevil speed, hairpin turns and heroics for over 100 years. Now you can channel that adrenaline and action into an exciting tabletop roleplaying game campaign. Here's how to create and run an RPG inspired by the legendary TT races. Suggested systems Any generic RPG like Dungeons & Dragons, Fate or GURPS could work. The fast pace, high stakes and motorsport theme fit well with Powered by the Apocalypse games too. Characters Riders out to make their names on the treacherous Mountain Course. Mechanics seeking fame and fortune by outfitting bikes. Track marshals risking life and limb. Sponsors looking to get the newest tech on to the track. Events include not just races but qualifying, practice sessions, press conferences and raucous afterparties. Example scenario The players are a stable of up-and-coming riders sponsored by a small outfit looking to make waves at the upcoming TT. T

The Rise of Indie Tabletop RPGs: Why They Matter

    The tabletop roleplaying game hobby has seen a surge of creativity and innovation in recent years thanks to the rise of "indie RPGs"— independent RPGs created by small teams or solo designers. While Dungeons & Dragons remains the 800 pound gorilla, countless indie RPGs have emerged exploring new genres, mechanics, and styles of play. What are some indie RPGs? Apocalypse World, Blades in the Dark, Monsterhearts, Dream Askew, Urban Shadows, and ioNRD are just a few examples. They cover themes like post-apocalyptic survival, steampunk heist crews, urban fantasy, romance, and science-fiction. Indie RPGs are changing and expanding what tabletop roleplaying games can be: Focused Genres and Themes  Rather than trying to be all things to all players, many indie RPGs narrow in on a specific genre or theme and optimize their mechanics to best support that vision. New Mechanics  Indie designers experiment with fresh takes on RPG mechanics like "forget the dice" narrati

Tabletop RPGs for Kids: Benefits and Best Games

    Roleplaying games are a great activity for children that provide a variety of benefits and opportunities for learning. RPGs exercise kids' imaginations, encourage social interaction and problem-solving, and can help build confidence through public speaking and performance. While many traditional tabletop RPGs are quite complex, there are several kid-friendly options that make great introductions to the hobby. Benefits of RPGs for Kids: • Imagination: RPGs require kids to imagine themselves as a character in an imaginary world. Coming up with backstories, personalities, and responses for their character helps flex their creative thinking muscles. • Social Skills: RPGs are a collaborative social activity, requiring teamwork, communication, and cooperation to work effectively as a group. Kids learn how to interact with others and resolve conflicts. • Problem-Solving: Many RPG scenarios challenge players with obstacles, mysteries, or conflicts that must be navigated. Solving these

The Future of Tabletop Gaming: Trends and Predictions

   Tabletop gaming has been around for centuries, but the industry is constantly evolving. From new games and technologies to changing demographics and social trends, there's always something new on the horizon. Here are some trends and predictions for the future of tabletop gaming, based on industry reports and expert opinions.   1. Rise of Digital Gaming Digital gaming, such as virtual tabletops and online gaming platforms, has been on the rise in recent years. This trend is expected to continue as technology advances and more people turn to online gaming for convenience and accessibility. According to a report by Research and Markets, the global digital tabletop gaming market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.73% from 2020 to 2027.      The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards digital gaming, as more people turn to online platforms for convenience and safety. Virtual tabletops, online gaming platforms, and video game adaptations of tabletop games are all becoming more po

How to Build a Successful Tabletop Gaming Community

   Tabletop gaming is a fun and rewarding hobby that can bring people together. Whether you're playing board games, card games, or role-playing games, the sense of community and camaraderie that comes with gaming can be incredibly valuable. But how do you build a successful tabletop gaming community? Here's what academic research says:     Create a welcoming environment     Research shows that creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is key to building a successful gaming community. This means making sure everyone feels welcome regardless of their race, gender, or other identities. Consider establishing community guidelines that promote respect and inclusivity.     Host regular events     Hosting regular gaming events is a great way to build a sense of community and keep people engaged. Consider hosting game nights, tournaments, or other gaming events on a regular basis. This can help people feel more connected to the community and give them a sense of belonging.     Enco

Running a "Manifest" Inspired Tabletop RPG

   The supernatural mystery drama Manifest on Netflix features passengers on a commercial flight who return 5 years after being presumed dead. The show follows their attempts to piece together what happened to them during their missing time, while also grappling with how the world moved on without them. This high-concept premise would make for an engaging tabletop roleplaying game campaign. Here's how I would approach running a Manifest inspired RPG: For this type of game, I would use a generic system like Fate Core, Savage Worlds, or the Cypher System. These rules-light, narrative-focused systems work well for mysteries, supernatural elements, and character drama. They give players a lot of flexibility to develop their characters and co-create the story with the GM. Creating Manifest-Inspired Scenarios for Your Tabletop RPG Manifest , the popular Netflix show that follows the passengers of a seemingly doomed flight who return home after five years, has captured the imaginatio

The Benefits of Playing Cooperative Games

   Are you tired of playing games where everyone is out for themselves? Do you want to work together with your friends and family towards a common goal? Then it's time to try cooperative games! Not only are they a great way to bond with others, but they also come with a host of benefits.     Encourages Teamwork     Cooperative games require players to work together towards a common goal. This means that everyone has to communicate effectively and strategize as a team. By doing so, players can develop important skills such as leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making.     Fosters Communication     In order to succeed in a cooperative game, players must communicate with each other effectively. This means sharing ideas, giving feedback, and listening to others. These skills are not only important in gaming but also in real-life situations such as school projects and work environments.     Builds Trust     When playing a cooperative game, players must trust each other to do thei

Top 10 Fantasy Worlds in Tabletop RPGs

Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) offer players the chance to explore imaginary worlds and encounter creatures that they've never seen before. From epic battles against dragons to intricate political intrigue, TTRPGs offer endless possibilities. With so many fantasy worlds to choose from, it can be tough to decide where to start. Here are the top 10 fantasy worlds in TTRPGs that you won't want to miss. 1. Middle-earth J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth is one of the most iconic fantasy worlds of all time. From the rolling hills of the Shire to the fiery depths of Mount Doom, Middle-earth is a world filled with danger and adventure. TTRPGs like The One Ring and Adventures in Middle-earth offer players the chance to explore this beloved world and create their own unique stories. 2. The Forgotten Realms The Forgotten Realms is a sprawling fantasy world that has been the setting for countless TTRPG campaigns. From the bustling city of Waterdeep to the haunted forests of Cormanthor

The Psychology of Tabletop Roleplaying: Why We Love to Play

  What do dragons, wizards, and dungeons have in common? They're all staples of tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) and the imaginary worlds that players create within them. For many of us, TTRPGs are more than just a game. They're a form of escapism, a way to explore our creativity, and a chance to socialize with friends. But what is it about TTRPGs that makes them so captivating? Let's dive into the psychology behind why we love to play.     The Power of Imagination TTRPGs are a unique form of entertainment because they rely heavily on the imagination of the players. Unlike movies or video games, where the visuals are pre-determined, TTRPGs offer endless possibilities. Players can create their own characters with unique personalities, backstories, and abilities. They can also explore imaginary worlds and encounter creatures that they've never seen before. The power of imagination is a key reason why TTRPGs are so compelling. By using our imaginations, we can create ou

Roll for Initiative: How Tabletop RPGs Have Evolved Since Dungeons & Dragons

Beginnings When Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson published Dungeons & Dragons in 1974, they launched a new genre of tabletop gaming. Tabletop roleplaying games, or RPGs, allow players to create characters and go on adventures limited only by their imaginations. While D&D defined many tropes that continue in today's RPGs, the genre has diversified into a variety of new systems and settings. D&D popularized several concepts integral to most RPGs. Players take on the role of a character described by attributes like strength, intelligence, and charisma. A Dungeon Master guides players through an adventure, describing scenarios and playing the roles of non-player characters. Dice help determine the outcomes of risky actions and combat. D&D also established the genre's early fantasy tropes. Players encounter monsters from myth, like orcs, goblins, and dragons. Magical spells and enchanted weapons are common. Parties brave dangers in dungeons filled with traps and riddles.

5 Must-Have Board Games for Your Next Game Night

     Are you tired of the same old game night routine? Do you want to mix things up and add some excitement to your gatherings with friends and family? Look no further than these five must-have board games for your next game night!     Codenames     Codenames is a word association game that is as challenging as it is entertaining. Players are divided into two teams, each with a spymaster who provides one-word clues to help their teammates guess the correct words on the board. But beware, there are also "assassin" words that will immediately end the game if selected. This game is perfect for groups of all sizes and is sure to get everyone's brains working.     Settlers of Catan     Settlers of Catan is a strategy game that has been a favorite among board game enthusiasts for years. Players compete to build settlements, roads, and cities on the island of Catan, all while trading resources and fending off the robber. With countless expansion packs available, Settlers of Cata